Woven Polyhedra

Models of this type are also automatically listed in: abstract, geometric, mathematical object
More restrictive types: modular woven polyhedron

Woven polyhedra, also known as polypolyhedra, tangles, or wireframe models (the latter is, in my opinion, too broad a term).

This page lists folding instructions for models of a single type. You might be interested in the models themselves instead.
Six Intersecting Pentagrams (SIP)

Six Intersecting Pentagrams (SIP)

Instructions for this model are available in an OrigamiUSA article which also contains very interesting details about this mo...



Introduction and folding instructions online and in print Robert J. Lang’s Makalu (Six Intersecting Pentagons) is an interest...



Introduction and folding instructions on author’s page Gasherbrum (Four Interesecting Triangles) is one of the models in Hima...



Introduction and folding instructions on author’s page Annapurna (Ten Interesecting Triangles) is one of the models in Himala...

FIT (Five Intersecting Tetrahedra)

FIT (Five Intersecting Tetrahedra)

Tom Hull’s folding instructions Five Intersecting Tetrahedra (FIT), designed by Thomas Hull, is probably the most popular mod...