Sonobe variants

This album groups together variants of Sonobe unit.

Spiked Icosahedra from Three Sonobe Variants

Spiked Icosahedra from Three Sonobe Variants

Comparison of three related Sonobe variants of mine, from left to right: Paper Airplane Sonobe, Checkered Sonobe, and Bow-Tie Sonobe. Each icosahedron is fol...

Checkered Sonobe

Checkered Sonobe

A Sonobe variant derived from my Paper Airplane Sonobe.

Bow-Tie Sonobe

Bow-Tie Sonobe

This is a Sonobe variant, derived from my Paper Airplane Sonobe by changing just a few folds.

Spiked Icosahedron (Paper Airplane Sonobe)

Spiked Icosahedron (Paper Airplane Sonobe)

Spiked Icosahedron made from my new Sonobe variant, Paper Airplane Sonobe. When you look at an individual unit before assembling the model, you can spot a re...

Paper Airplane Sonobe

Paper Airplane Sonobe

The name of this Sonobe variant comes from the arrows which look like a paper airplane that you can see on the units. In the assembled model, the tips of the...

Simple Edge Unit (SEU)

Simple Edge Unit (SEU)

Simple Edge Unit (SEU) was designed by me, and as I later learned, also independently by many other people before. It is quite a versatile edge unit with sev...

Spiked Icosahedron (Sonobe variant)

Spiked Icosahedron (Sonobe variant)

I think this is my first Sonobe variant. Since it’s one of the simplest modifications possible, it has probably been independently discovered by many others.

Sonobe Unit

Sonobe Unit

This is a very popular and historically important module, but its origins remain uncertain. While it is often attributed to Mitsunobu Sonobe or Toshie Takaha...