Single-sheet cubes and cuboids

Models of this type are also automatically listed in: abstract single-sheet, abstract, balls and polyhedra, cubes and cuboids, geometric, mathematical object, single-sheet

Cubes and cuboids folded from single sheets.

This page lists models of a single type. You might be interested in folding instructions instead.
Cut Surfaces of a Cube (CFW 339)

Cut Surfaces of a Cube (CFW 339)

This interesting model by Shuzo Fujimoto represents a cube with a corner cut off. Depending on the proportions of the paper strip used, the cut surface is cl...

Fujimoto Cube

Fujimoto Cube

This cube, folded from a single square, is one of Shuzo Fujimoto’s most famous designs. Not only is the model very firm, but the folding sequence is a master...