…/2nNTh2K …/2nPC3NM …/Ci6_K2KK8mk/ …/CjFEJ_0qzVZ/ …/pfbid0344Nmjvy9H3ffLLXAbAWa8kRWDeUp3TfgHPPooBX8Vf4SaqqDyet4CWtghwqRowCml …/pfbid02qUrXnHY8xz4Mwz1PDbw3L5CXBEzGMP2XBBykTVhdPuLKTCBD64csHd2SqUtyXy8il …/1573939777593901056 …/1575355892735819777
No folding instructions for this model are listed on my page.
This is the primary page for this model.
Other folds and variants: Box with Woven Triangles VIII, Woven Triangles Tessellation VIII (loose spacing)
Paper: Anguru Color
Type: classic tessellation (implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, geometric, pattern, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: green
In albums: Showcase, Tessellation Examples, Woven Triangles Family

Front Back Close-up of a single molecule
Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

In this model, the four triangles located around the center of the molecule are located below other layers of paper, only partially peeking outside. Triangles from the top layers of neighboring molecules connect to form rhombi while the negative space between molecules forms little stars. This effect is achieved with a dense molecule layout. Increasing the spacing between molecules produces a model which feels quite different (pictures coming up).

This model was folded from the same sheet as my earlier Pythagorean Tiling with 3:2 Ratio and you can see that the back side still displays the Pythagorean tiling pattern.

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