Propellers (CFW 54)

Propellers Tessellation was one of my first successful designs. Interestingly, I came up with it later than with Square Interlace Tessellation even though Propellers is one of the intermediate steps when folding Square Interlace.
Several years later, I learned that Shuzo Fujimoto had designed Propellers many years before me. I found this model in the package of Fujimoto’s models received from Roberto Morassi, combined in a single tessellation with molecules of Stars and Squares, another design I independently invented years after Fujimoto. I then identified this molecule in one of the images of his books: it appears as one of the molecules used in CFW 262 whose back-lit image can be found on page 163 of Invitation to Creative Playing with Origami. This molecule is also used in the center of Fujimoto’s Square Twist Star (CFW 150).