…/2ouxff2 …/CrPxl7etya9/ …/pfbid0oWQfJG1Tk4Q7CqPR4pSQjSdFEjBAM9VVrRx3veA8pRWn6EQYsZyvJYaherEAtSm9l …/1648923607555244032
Folding instructions: Pentagonal Star from A4 (CFW 194)
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: copy paper
Type: models with cuts, single-sheet stars (implies: abstract, geometric, single-sheet, star, symbol)
Author: Shuzo Fujimoto
Colors: orange
In albums: Stars by Shuzo Fujimoto

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This design by Shuzo Fujimoto is a regular pentagram star. It uses a single cut in addition to folding.

