Happy New Year 2016!

Welcome to 2016! This seven-segment display, executed in origami, shows the current year, and is folded from a single sheet of Elephant Hide paper. With a little work, each segment’s on-off state can be toggled, so you can update the number next year without having to refold the whole thing. It’s probably too slow a process to qualify as action origami, though.
Individual segment design is based on Fujimoto’s Hydrangea (level 0) while the idea of using them to simulate a digital 7-segment display is mine. Others have probably also come up with it as it comes as an obvious thing when one starts folding tiled Hydrangeas [update: indeed, I found a model of 7-segment display based on Hydrangea by saku saku].
A 64×32 grid was used. Only 26 grid units vertically are needed for the digits — the remaining 6 make up the foot which allows the tessellation to stand vertically for better viewing.