The Invisible Drop

…/2qgEkT1 …/DABVibTtD0t/ …/pfbid0WJy2cvZwLdZZ2tbfK32kAvpgrBBAx91kLjqtjXDaauoxHFxTaXnvGPhoLPVwaAghl …/1836042971159937045
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Paper: Tant
Type: abstract non-periodic corrugation (implies: abstract corrugation, abstract, corrugation, geometric)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: blue
In albums: Simple models

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This simple corrugated pattern, folded from a hexagon, reminds me of the waves made by a water droplet falling onto the surface of water.

Note that this model is folded from a hexagon rather than from a pentagon. One 60° “sector” of the hexagon is folded in half, so only five sides remain visible. This is why you get the waves: the model would remain flat if one side was not tucked underneath. In similar fashion, you can get any N-gonal analog of this model if you start from an (N+1)-gon.

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