Moreno’s Unit

Jose Arley Moreno’s diagrams
Jose Arley Moreno published instructions for this unit on his web page.
My instructions
I designed this module independently and from a Facebook discussion I know at least one other person has as well (I don’t remember the details, unfortunately). I haven’t drawn any diagrams, but the unit is so simple you can fold it even based on textual instructions:
- Start with a square.
- Pleat the sheet into thirds.
- Folding through all layers, make valley folds parallel to the short side of the 1:3 rectangle, at ⅓ and ⅔ of its length.
- If you want to fold a cube, the unit is finished: the central square of each of the six units will be used for each face of the cube and the squares on the sides will be the flaps which you can insert into pockets created between paper layers of the central square of another unit.
- If folding a spiked icosahedron or another similar shape, you need to add extra diagonal folds across all three squares. This unit is very similar to Sonobe in its construction and the way units connect to each other.