Model details: Cross Lap Unit (CLU) (by: Michał Kosmulski)
See also: Ichthys, Heart (CLU), Möbius Strip IV (CLU), Trefoil Knot, Ampersand (CLU)

Model types: single unit
Location: on this page
Type: Crease Pattern, Folding tips

Cross Lap Unit (Michał Kosmulski)
Cross Lap Unit, seen from the bottom (Michał Kosmulski)
Ichthys from CLU (Michał Kosmulski)
Heart from CLU (Michał Kosmulski)

Below, you can find the Crease Pattern (CP) for the unit along with some shaping examples. The CP is very simple, so you should be able to fold it even if you have little experience. The number of notches and the aspect ratio of the strip from which the unit is folded can be freely modified, which allows for a wide variety of shapes, both made from a single unit and from multiple units.

CP with Ichthys (fish) shaping example:

Cross Lap Unit (CLU) used for Ichthys model CP and instructions (PDF)

Cross Lap Unit (CLU) used for Ichthys model CP and instructions (PNG)

CP with Heart shaping example:

Cross Lap Unit (CLU) used for Heart model CP and instructions (PDF)

Cross Lap Unit (CLU) used for Heart model CP and instructions (PNG)

