Origami-Styled Elephant Logo on Trash Cans

Kom-Eko, a waste management company in Lublin, Poland, have an origami-style elephant in their logo. It replaced an earlier design which also featured a stylized elephant but one not resembling origami. I was originally not able to learn who designed the new logo and whether it is based on an actual origami design. While some “origami style” pictures and sculptures can easily be recognized as not being depictions of real, actually foldable, models, this one lacks obvious signs of not being real.
Thanks to the help of a friend who managed to get in touch with the company (see this thread), I learned that the designer’s name is Piotr Lewicki, and he admitted to being inspired by origami models found on the internet. While we could not trace this design back to a single actual origami model, Go Kinoshita recreated th logo as a real origami model based just on the pictures.
See also: a wisent logo from the same company.