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Related models: Still Life with Epiphany III
Related papers: Accademia

Epiphany III folded from Fabriano Accademia paper (big model in the center)

Epiphany III is a large model, folded from an almost complete B1 sheet of Fabriano Accademia 120 gsm paper which I found at a local art supply store. I’m not sure how the paper would behave with a smaller model and grid size, but for the big one, I found it really nice.

The surface is slightly textured and the folds came out clean. The collapse went well. The data on the producer’s page indicate that the paper is ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) which should give it a good shelf life. One drawback is that only white color is available. White models look OK in real life, but are really hard to take good pictures of, especially since due to its size, I had to photograph this model outside my lightbox. I haven’t checked how the paper behaves when painted.
