Business Card Origami

Business cards can be used for origami, especially for modulars. Some kinds of units are very simple which makes folding models with huge numbers of them possible. Models designed with business card folding in mind are listed here even if the actual fold shown uses some other kind of paper.


I would like to thank all the people who donated their business cards for the noble purpose of origami. Over the years, I have received literally several kilograms of cards which made possible folding the models presented here. Special thanks go to (in alphabetical order):

This page lists models of a single type. You might be interested in folding instructions instead.
Menger Sponge (level 2)

Menger Sponge (level 2)

This is a labor-intensive, but very satisfying to fold model. Some people have managed to go as far as level 3 but even level 2 was quite challenging. About ...

Ticket Menger Sponge

Ticket Menger Sponge

Model folded from Warsaw public transport tickets (back side with magnetic strip visible). 192 modules: 120 for the body and 72 for coating.

Ticket Cube

Ticket Cube

I folded this business card cube from Warsaw public transport tickets rather than from business cards. 12 modules: 6 for the body and 6 for the coating.

Small Table

Small Table

A Japanese style short-legged table. Have a look at the notes in description of meshed pyramid for a discussion of the relation between these two models.

Pyramid (6 levels high)

Pyramid (6 levels high)

This model consists of just a 2-cube thick hull of a pyramid. This makes it possible to create a larger model with fewer modules than in the case of a comple...

Meshed Pyramid (8 levels high)

Meshed Pyramid (8 levels high)

While it may not be obvious at first, this model has some features which make it strikingly similar to the business card table model. The table’s top is cons...

Life-Sized Chair

Life-Sized Chair

This model is the size of a real chair. Unfortunately, it can’t support enough weight to be sat in. The surface is not covered in additional, “paneling” unit...