…/2qdRGDA …/C_dRIwoNToD/ …/pfbid0jwkBKXqRxCFJHQRJ7UtdzGkVPPmfbhe4fq734bBxEtCVbexAUmmykAabeqN6y5mal …/1830966738877317525
Related people: Jannie van Schuylenburg

Matchboxes with origami patterns

When I posted the tissues with an origami-themed package back in February, Jannie van Schuylenburg messaged me saying she had some matchboxes with origami. She was kind enough to give me two when we met at the CfC convention, so here they are for others to enjoy as well. One features two cranes (with somewhat oddly shaped wings) and the other a rabbit.


