Star Deimos (variant D)
In this variant of Star Deimos, units are modified so that there is no pocket in the top visible layer. This requires a change to the locking mechanism and r...
Star Deimos is a simple modular star which can easily be modified into multiple variants.
In this variant of Star Deimos, units are modified so that there is no pocket in the top visible layer. This requires a change to the locking mechanism and r...
A variant of Star Deimos in which the rays are asymmetrically narrowed on one side, giving the star’s outline the appearance of a saw blade.
Variant B of Star Deimos differs from the base shape only by a single fold which reveals more of the white side of the paper in the center.
Star Deimos, another of my simple modular origami star designs. There is a color change in the center of the model, and the six-fold symmetry allows for seve...