Announcement: Blanket Permission to Fold and Teach Shuzo Fujimoto’s Models (Non-Commercial Use)

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Related models: Hydrangea (Tant)
Related people: Shuzo Fujimoto

Hands holding Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea
Hands holding Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea

Since some folders have recently been asking me how to get permission to teach Shuzo Fujimoto’s models at origami conventions, I approached his heirs and asked if they could grant a blanket permission to everyone in order to make getting permission more convenient. They agreed, and his son, Hitoshi Fujimoto, sent me the following statement in an e-mail on 2024-06-16:

As you suggest, my sister and I would like to give blanket permission to any origami folder who would like to use my father’s work. (Non-profit activities ONLY)

I am sure my father, Shuzo would be pleased if this would make his work known to as many people as possible.

Therefore, if you want to teach Shuzo Fujimoto’s models at an origami convention, feel free to do so without having to explicitly ask. Please also honor the heirs’ wish and do ask for permission in case of commercial use.

I hope this permission will benefit the origami community and help make Shuzo Fujimoto’s work even more widely known.

Update: Ilan Garibi got the same kind of blanket permission some time earlier, a fact I was not aware of.
